
Special Needs Transportation

Specialized Service for Students with Special Needs

Our business is devoted to special needs transportation. We are recognized experts in this area. We hire people with the integrity, patience and sensitivity necessary to be a positive influence in the lives of children with special needs. Transporting students with special needs presents unique challenges to our drivers and monitors, so we have developed a customized training curriculum for these individuals. All drivers and aides, who provide transportation for students with special needs, must first complete our regular training program before beginning the special needs program.

Your Partner in Special Education

We understand that federal and provincial funding has not kept pace with the escalating special education expenditures, placing the financial burden on school boards. We partner with your school board to help you manage your overall transportation costs.

The responsibilities of managing your regular student transportation program are innumerable. Special Education (SPED) transportation requires even more. Partner with a leader in outsourced SPED transportation, and continue focusing on your top priority — the education, safety and well-being of your students. In regards to SPED transportation, we provide:

  • Optimal cost savings
  • Unmatched safety programs
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Specially trained and knowledgeable staff
  • Industry expertise and national resources

Because of the nature of special needs transportation, open communications and a cooperative approach between parents, students, teachers, drivers, special education supervisors, transportation supervisors and monitors is key to help ensure that safe, reliable and efficient services are provided. Once a Special Education Plan (SEP), Individualized Program Plan (IPP), Student Support Plan (SSP), or an Individual Support Services Plan (ISSP) team has determined that a student with special needs will require transportation as a related service, routing becomes an important part of the student’s success equation.

Our aim is to support each student with special needs to reach their educational goals and make each trip to and from school as pleasant and uneventful as possible. As expert providers in special needs transportation, our team can help make sure that the education locations, equipment and vehicle needs, personnel needs, pick up and drop off points, and times, will be taken into proper consideration.

Special Needs Training

At Attridge Transportation our special needs drivers and monitors love what they do. They support your students by renewing their employment with us year after year. The average tenure of our SPED personnel is 10-12 years. We train our staff to meet your student’s specific needs, and our best result is when your student has a positive experience with us. We offer:

  • Knowledgeable and empathetic employees
  • Customized ongoing training based on students’ needs
  • Ongoing communication with district personnel
  • Transportation expertise at SEP, IPP, SSP and ISSP meetings
  • Introductory meetings with parents and students prior to start up
  • Routing optimization including shared routing

Special needs transportation is a dynamic and complex effort that requires vigilance, flexibility and superior attention to detail — keeping in mind student and equipment needs, travel time, transportation program costs and available resources. To find the best fit, we consider vehicle size, seating arrangements and requirements, individual behavioural and medical needs, wheelchair accessibility, animal usage, as well as nurse, monitor and attendant needs. Our objective is to support each student with special needs to meet their educational goals and use our expertise to make each trip to and from school as pleasant as possible.

Special Needs Legacy

School transportation is unique to each student with special needs, and our company has a long history of partnering with districts for special needs transportation services because of the unique requirements. Attridge was also the first school bus company in Canada to adopt the forward facing 4 point wheel chair restraint systems known as Q-Strait. Today, we provide special needs transportation services in 6 districts and are privileged to transport nearly 1,000 students with special needs to and from school safely.