26. Storage of Fluids

  • For the Immediate Attention of all Drivers

    Please be advised that fluids or other vehicle products must not be stored inside the passenger and driver compartment of the vehicle. This includes but is not limited to; oil, windshield washer fluid or cleaning products. Paper towels may be safely and securely stored in the driver area. Fluids or other products that are required for the vehicle may be transported in the locked luggage compartment of a 71 passenger vehicle. This is the only acceptable storage location. Drivers are to immediately remove these products from the passenger and driver areas.

    By this directive, all staff must remove these materials upon sight. This includes the mechanics, shop helpers and all administrative employees. This type of material will not be returned to the driver. This includes all items purchased by the company or driver. Fluids or products required by the bus driver for the vehicle may be obtained from the designated storage shed or depot. Please ask for assistance from the Training Department if you need refresher training on how to store or use these products.

    The continued safety of our passengers and employees must be our first priority. Please help by immediately removing the items noted above from inside the passenger and driver compartments.

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